Supporting Mental Health: Affordable Counselling & Coaching Services

Our Commitment to Affordable Counseling and Coaching

In our pursuit to create a world where individuals feel comfortable and confident to be as they are, we collaborate with professional psychotherapists and mental health coaches to offer affordable counselling and coaching services. Every quarter, we provide as many people as possible with reduced-fee access to these essential services, depending on our funding. Your support of our work directly enhances our ability to extend these mental health resources to more individuals.


Meet Our Partner: Discovery Counselling & Mediation

You might recognize this cool cat, Simon, from some of our clothing modeling photos. Simon is not only Kansinee's partner and a fantastic model; he's also a skilled counsellor, life coach, and mediator at Discovery Counselling and Mediation. Discover more about Simon and his impactful work in promoting mental well-being below.


How You Can Support Mental Health Initiatives

Shop with a Purpose
Every item you buy from our shop isn’t just a piece of art; it's a step toward supporting someone in need. With each purchase, you directly contribute to funding reduced-fee access to counselling and coaching services. This means that just by choosing our products, you're helping individuals embark on their journey to better mental health.

Spread the Word
Awareness is powerful. By sharing our mission and stories on social media, you help us reach more people who might need help or wish to support our cause. Each post, share, and like helps us build a stronger community dedicated to making mental health support more accessible.

Join Our Community
Being a part of our community means more than just transactions; it’s about transformation. By engaging with our initiatives, you not only support others but also join a network of individuals committed to promoting mental well-being. Whether you are seeking support or looking to support others, your involvement makes a significant difference.

Together, we can create a world where everyone has the support they need to manage and improve their mental health.

Support Our Cause